Blazor - FluentUI - Markdown
Want to display markdown in your Blazor app? Of course you do.
Blazor - FluentUI - Code Snippet
I've been working with Blazor for a number of years, you can see Utility Blazor and .NET Blazor Interactive etc for examples.
Poker - HUD
I'm back to working on the Poker Web App, as you saw from the original post the UI is lacking somewhat.
Poker - App
Aside to the API the ultimate goal would be to have a website that I can use to track the game information and visualise it, alongside the OBS scene. I've made a start on replicating the scene but as a webpage.
Poker - Stats
Whilst working on the tracking of the cards I thought it might be also useful to see certain stats, luckily I don't have to do the calculations myself and have found 2 projects written in C# I can repurpose. The first is PokerOddsPro from @dyh1213 and the other is Poker-Hand-Evaluator from @danielpaz6.
Poker - API
The main idea behind the API is to have an RFID sticker on a playing card, that gets scanned by an RC522 RFID Reader that then calls an endpoint via an ESP8266 (This could also have been an ESP32). A simple first solution is to pass the id and the player number. This then finds the corresponding playing card and copies it to given location. The reason for this is OBS is configured to show these cards in a scene. In the future I might be saving all this information to a local db to track everything to be able to replay the scenarios, but for now this will do.
Blazor Interactive (Talk)
On Wednesday the 6th of Sept 2023 I stood on "stage" at the Hainton .NET meetup in Tuspark Newcastle.
The Beginning of Blashing
Having worked with a Dashing / Smashing meant having to setup 💎 Ruby, as this isn't a language I'm not familiar with there was a little bit of a barrier to entry. I've used in the past with some iOS projects but only in little bursts.
Jeff Goldblum StreamDeck Action
In a previous post I discussed the StreamDeck and adding docs to the .NET toolkit.