Blazor - FluentUI - Code Snippet

Using a code snippet / syntax highlighter
Published on Monday 23 December 2024

I've been working with Blazor for a number of years, you can see Utility Blazor and .NET Blazor Interactive etc for examples.

When the FluentUI Blazor was released I started upgrading a few of the sites to use the new theme/components but hadn't spent much time as the originally functionality was working so wanted to spend my time adding new features, not refactoring existing.

Recently I've started a brand new project and thought I'd make it from scratch. One piece of functionality I wanted was displaying code snippets with syntax hightlighting functionality. Previously I've used SyntaxHighlighter from @Alex Gorbatchev but there are many others, one being Highlight.js (GitHub Code).

A Discussion was raised on their GitHub repo page:

Does this library has any component to display code snippet? #3043

Firstly you need to copy a number of the files to your project.

I have another project for Components.

You also need some custom js for the app, this needs to go into your 📂 wwwroot/js/.

In your index.html add a reference to the js. Makes sure to update the [PROJECT_NAME] to the relevant value you have.

    <!-- highlight -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="_content/[PROJECT_NAME]/js/highlight-extensions.js"></script>

For example they have the following in _Layout.cshtml #L39 or index.html #L59 depending on whether it's a Server or Client app.

    <!-- highlight -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="_content/FluentUI.Demo.Shared/js/highlight-extensions.js"></script>

The next thing to update is the reference to the .js file in the .cs code file. Find your CodeSnippet.razor.cs #L35. Update FluentUI.Demo.Shared/Components/ to the path where you have stored yours.

            _jsModule = await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>("import",

Next you just need to use the component!

Add the CodeSnippet tag with the Language you need. You can find a list of Supported Languages on their docs site.

<CodeSnippet Language="razor">


<CodeSnippet Language="razor">
        <!-- -->
    <div class=""content"">
        <article id=""article"">
    <FluentDialogProvider />

Then you will have some beautiful code with a copy button too.

Highlight Example

You can even use their StaticAssetsService to pull in .txt file versions of the code.

Thanks to @vnbaaij, @dvoituron and others for help with my noob questions.