Blazor - FluentUI - Markdown

Using markdown in your pages
Published on Monday 23 December 2024

Want to display markdown in your Blazor app? Of course you do.

The FluentUI Blazor components have you covered in their 🧪 lab section.

There's a little bit of work to bring in the component as it's not shipped in the library itself as it contains a dependency of markdig.

Please see my previous post Blazor - FluentUI - Code Snippet for the setup of Highlight.js as this is used by the following component.

Create a new folder in your Shared project.

📁 \Infrastructure

Copy the following files from examples/Demo/Shared/Infrastructure

  • AppVersionService.cs
  • CacheStorageAccessor.cs
  • HttpBasedStaticAssetService.cs (This is need for Blazor WASM)
  • IAppVersionService.cs
  • IStaticAssetService.cs
  • ServerStaticAssetService.cs (This is need for Blazor Server)
  • ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs

Then copy the following component files from examples/Demo/Shared/Components

  • MarkdownSection.razor
  • MarkdownSection.razor.cs
  • MarkdownSection.razor.css
  • MarkdownSection.razor.js
  • MarkdownSectionPreCodeExtension.cs
  • MarkdownSectionPreCodeRenderer.cs
  • MarkdownSectionPreCodeRendererOptions.cs

Something from wwwroot/js/

  • CacheStorageAccessor.js

Next you want to update a few places.

In CacheStorageAccessor.cs swap the path to your project.

public class CacheStorageAccessor(IJSRuntime js, IAppVersionService vs) : JSModule(js, "./_content/FluentUI.Demo.Shared/js/CacheStorageAccessor.js")


JSModule(js, "./_content/[PROJECT_NAME]/js/CacheStorageAccessor.js")

In ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs remove the DemoNavProvider unless you are using it. I also renamed to AddFluentUIDemoClientServices() to AddFluentUIClientServices(). Amend accordingly.

In MarkdownSection.razor.cs swap the path again:

        _jsModule = await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>("import",


        _jsModule = await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>("import",

Update the namespaces from namespace FluentUI.Demo.Shared.* to yours.

In Program.cs of your main app add the helper function AddFluentUIClientServices() from ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs so everything is setup.


Finally you want to add the component to your app.

You can either use Content and add you markdown directly:

<MarkdownSection Content="text in *italics* and **bold**"></MarkdownSection>

Or you can use the StaticAssetService to pull in some files.

Firstly create a new folder 📁 called docs in your wwwroot of your Shared project. Then add the path in the FromAsset property.

<MarkdownSection FromAsset="./_content/[PROJECT_NAME]/docs/"></MarkdownSection>

What's cool about this is that you can pass it any MD file so taking one directly from GitHub with the RAW url and it'll also work.

<MarkdownSection FromAsset=""></MarkdownSection>

One thing I need to check is how it handles images, but that's for another day.


text in *italics* and **bold**

text in italics and bold

Markdown Section