Poker - App

A visual representation of the current on-goings.
Published on Saturday 4 November 2023

Aside to the API the ultimate goal would be to have a website that I can use to track the game information and visualise it, alongside the OBS scene. I've made a start on replicating the scene but as a webpage.

OBS Scene Setup Web App table

I'm looking to create custom components for the player setup and the board, but as a POC I'm getting the information reading from the local text files for name and stats, as well as the current cards each player has, alongside the board.

If I choose to add a db in the future I could keep track of the movements and then have a replay button to simulate the game, but let's get the current functionality working first.

What's useful is the camera has a stream endpoint so it's much easier to display the current feed. This saves parsing the dom for it in the previous display.
