Poker - Chip

Engraving my own poker chip.
Published on Monday 28 August 2023

Thought as a little momento I'd create a poker chip for each of the players. Gave me an excuse to use the laser engraver again. I found the surround The Noun Project from Anton Gajdosik, the just reused the Rye font from the OBS scene to add some text. A few trial and error prints and got it looking decent. It kept moving about the board so a bit of greentac fixed the problem.

Poker Chip

Poker Chip

NEJE - Laser engraver

Managed to pick one up on ebay for ~£45 in 2021, just before they went up in price.

Poker Chip - Anton Gajdosik

Poker Chip by Anton Gajdosik from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)