AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Today I passed the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam 🎉!
🎙️ Markdown
Work offer the opportunity to present within our Communities. One I chose to do was markdown to our UCD community.
AI Apocalypse
Without even finishing 30 Days Lost in Space I went ahead and bought Adventure Kit 2 - AI Apocalypse. This has even more hardware devices!
AWS Cloud Quest Serverless Developer
Today I completed the AWS Cloud QuestServerless Developer training 🎉!
Bowling Scores - Score Creator
As the bowling scores are just json
files in a data 📂 folder so I can host it on GitHub Pages, I have to manually create the object. Normally I would just copy an existing record and amend, but I thought it would be nice to have a quick/easy way of doing this so I took the original component, added some inputs and then built a tool to do it. Don't ask me why I didn't bind the thing, vanilla JS FTW. Still got to work on the pins.
Nintendo Gameboy Games
I found an amazing site Game Play Color that had made a Gameboy cartridge in HTML/CSS allowing you to add a custom image and change the colour so I built it into an AngularJS Component and added it to the site.