Statiq - Blog Banner

Adding a custom banner image to the blog.
Published on Saturday 17 June 2023

Create a new banner image.

Add a new property "Image": "images/banner.png", to the appsettings.json

    "Host": "",
    "LinksUseHttps": true,
    "SiteTitle": "Alex Hedley",
    "SiteDescription": "Welcome to my blog!",
    "Image": "images/banner.png",
    "DateTimeInputCulture": "en-GB",
    "LinkRoot": "/blog",
    "GenerateSearchIndex": true,
    "GitHubOwner": "alexhedley",
    "GitHubName": "",
    "GitHubToken": "=> Config.FromSetting<string>(\"GITHUB_TOKEN\")",
    "CommentEngine": "giscus",
    "GiscusRepoName": "alexhedley/blog",
    "GiscusRepoId": "R_kgDOJjXJmQ",
    "GiscusCategoryId": "DIC_kwDOJjXJmc4CXRaX"

The publish.

I took the banner from my website:, might need to create a new one to handle positioning of the text better, but it's not the default anymore.


Original Blog Banner

Updated Blog Banner