AWS Cloud Quest Serverless Developer
Today I completed the AWS Cloud QuestServerless Developer training 🎉!
Bowling Scores - Score Creator
As the bowling scores are just json
files in a data 📂 folder so I can host it on GitHub Pages, I have to manually create the object. Normally I would just copy an existing record and amend, but I thought it would be nice to have a quick/easy way of doing this so I took the original component, added some inputs and then built a tool to do it. Don't ask me why I didn't bind the thing, vanilla JS FTW. Still got to work on the pins.
Bowling Scores - Pins
My very good friend @mpbostock looked at my horrible code and didn't think that the pins should be in a table, so kindly fixed it for me!
Deploy Tech Docs
In this article I'll show how to deploy the GOV.UK Tech Docs Template to GitHub Pages.
AWS Cloud Quest Cloud Practitioner
Today I completed the AWS Cloud Quest Cloud Practitioner training 🎉!
Day 1 - 30 Days Lost in Space
In the first day I learned how to make the Hero board blink. It's nice to get visual feedback of something working.
30 Days Lost in Space
Having worked with some arduino stuff after watching Frank's streams on Twitch (see Build Light), I'd been talking to a mate who said he'd bought the following for his son. What better way to get a good broad understand of a number of items but to get a whole kit trying out various pieces of hardware.