Workflow - ProcessManager - WebPart - Developer Guide - Inspecting
In this Article I'm going to explain how to inspect other WebParts within Process Manager to see how they are implemented.
Workflow - ProcessManager - WebPart - Developer Guide
In this set of Articles I'm going to explain how to create a simple webpart for use within Workflow / ServiceDesk ProcessManager.
Workflow - ProcessManager - WebPart - Developer Guide - Controls
In this Article I'm going to explain how to add Controls to your WebPart.
Workflow - ProcessManager - WebPart - Developer Guide - Simple
In this Article I'm going to explain how to create a simple WebPart and display some data on the Process Page inkeeping with the PM theme.
Workflow - Plugins - Model Report
The 'Model Report' Plugin will generate a set of webpages detailing your Project, the components used and any information about these.
Workflow - Plugins - Export Translation Strings Plugin
The 'Export Translation Strings Plugin' Plugin ...
Workflow - Plugins - Component Report
The 'Component Report' Plugin generates a set of web pages to display all the Components within Workflow.
Workflow - Plugins - Encryption Keys Generator
The 'Encryption Keys Generator' Plugin allows you to generate a number of different types of keys, Symetrical and Asymetrical.
Workflow - Plugins - Create GUID
The 'Create GUID' Plugin allows you to generate a random GUID, which can then either be copied to the clipboard or added to the Primary Model of the current Workflow Project.
Workflow - Plugins - License Status
The License Status Manager lets you view licensing information about Workflow and Workflow-related applications (such as ServiceDesk). This tool also lets you run tests on your license to verify that it works properly. The tool does not create or manage licensing. The Symantec Management Platform manages all licensing. The tool communicates with the Symantec Management Platform to determine licensing information.