ServiceDesk - API - ChangeRequest

Published on Monday 1 October 2018

ServiceDesk Version: 8.5


Submit change requests and fetch them back. The Change Management module must be installed in your ServiceDesk environment.

API Description
POST api/changerequest Creates a new change request in ServiceDesk using the information provided
GET api/changerequest/ Gets a ChangeRequest by its session id (also known as workflow tracking id).


Creates a new change request in ServiceDesk using the information provided

POST api/changerequest

Request Information

URI Parameters


Body Parameters

Name Description Type Additional information
SessionId This is the unique identifier for a change request and can be used to query the API for updates on an existing change ticket. globally unique identifier None.
ProcessId A more user-friendly identifier, like a "ticket number" for the change request. string None.
RequestTitle The title or given name to the change request when created string None.
RequestDescription Details os the change request submitted at the time of creation string None.
RequiredCompletionDate The date by which this change should be completed, for planning purposes date None.
BusinessJustification A business justification for implementing the requested change string None.
Impact This MUST be one of the configured values for Impact in the ServiceDesk settings in ProcessManager string None.
Urgency This MUST be one of the configured values for Urgency in the ServiceDesk settings in ProcessManager string None.
Priority This MUST be one of the configured values for Priority in the ServiceDesk settings in ProcessManager string None.
TimeZone Use the standard strings for time zone: string None.
ChangeType One of the core ITIL change types. Typically, Normal should be used. The use of Emergency or Standard will change the process that's followed. See ServiceDesk documentation for details. SimpleChangeType None.
TemplateName The name of a template to use for this change ticket. If a template is provided here, the ticket will be setup with planning information AND some of the provided fields in this payload will be overwritten from the template, so use this carefully. Templates are configured in the ProcessManager portal. string None.
RiskScore A string indicating a "score" for the risk level of this change. How this is calculated/used, if at all, is up to you string None.
RiskAssessment An explanation of the risk score, if provided string None.
CostOfImplementing A string indicating and/or explaining the cost of implementing this change string None.
CostOfNotImplementing A string indicating and/or explaining the cost of NOT implementing this change string None.


Name Value Description
Normal 0
Standard 1
Emergency 2

Request Formats

application/json, text/json

  "sessionId": "8c21db93-649a-4455-a1b0-3595de5f797c",
  "processId": "sample string 2",
  "requestTitle": "sample string 3",
  "requestDescription": "sample string 4",
  "requiredCompletionDate": "2018-10-03T08:36:17.9348115+01:00",
  "businessJustification": "sample string 6",
  "impact": "sample string 7",
  "urgency": "sample string 8",
  "priority": "sample string 9",
  "timeZone": "sample string 10",
  "changeType": "Normal",
  "templateName": "sample string 11",
  "riskScore": "sample string 12",
  "riskAssessment": "sample string 13",
  "costOfImplementing": "sample string 14",
  "costOfNotImplementing": "sample string 15"

Response Formats


Creates a new change request in ServiceDesk using the information provided

GET api/changerequest/{changeRequestSessionId}

Request Information

URI Parameters

Name Description Type Additional information
changeRequestSessionId globally unique identifier Required

Body Parameters


Request Formats


Response Formats

