Day 13 - 30 Days Lost in Space

Inventr - Adventure Kit 1
Published on Monday 1 January 2024

🏫 Lesson 13

Today was a continuation of Day 11 and Day 12 but more coding and logic, using the same wiring and setup. This time we need to type in a password to get access to the system. We can also change the password.


Trying out the different options.

11:33:10.390 -> Press * to set a new password.
11:33:10.432 -> Press # to access the system with the existing one.
11:33:22.330 -> Unlock Mode: Type Password to continue
11:33:28.558 -> WRONG PASSWORD
11:33:28.558 -> 1
11:33:28.558 -> Password error. Access Denied.
11:33:33.847 -> Unlock Mode: Type Password to continue
11:33:37.950 -> ****
11:33:40.255 -> Device Successfully Unlocked!
11:33:40.301 -> Welcome, authorized user. You may now begin using the system.
11:33:55.889 -> Unlock Mode: Type Password to continue
11:34:08.394 -> WRONG PASSWORD
11:34:08.394 -> 1
11:34:08.394 -> Access Denied. Cannot change password without knowing the previous or default.


  • Hero Board
  • Type B USB Cable
  • 8 cables (M-F)
  • 8 cables (M-M)
  • Keypad
  • Passive Buzzer

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