Why make just a list when you can make a list of lists! Here are some of the board games I play...
Utility Blazor
To add to my increasing collection of Utility apps I've decided to produce a Blazor version.
Jeff Goldblum StreamDeck Action
In a previous post I discussed the StreamDeck and adding docs to the .NET toolkit.
Publish a Visual Studio Extension from GitHub Actions
In a previous post I discussed starting to create a Visual Studio Extension for BuildLight.
Xamarin CommunityToolkit
The Xamarin CommunityToolkit is a reboot of an old set of helpful additions to Xamarin for example
Visual Studio Extensions
Visual Studio Extensions are a fantastic way to add extra functionality to the IDE.
Build Light
Build Light is a way to display your IDE's build status using RGB LEDs and IoT devices!
StreamDeck Toolkit
The Stream Deck is an awesome gadget to use whilst streaming. It allows you to configure buttons to perform any number of actions. This could be changing scene whilst streaming, playing some sounds, opening an app, running a set of actions, the list is endless.