ServiceDesk - WebPart - Assignments and Audit Info

Published on Monday 5 June 2017
Version SD 7.6

This download (Protirus.ServiceDesk.WebParts.dll) is a couple of custom Web Parts to show 'ServiceDesk Assignments' and the 'Auditing Incident Owner and Service Queue Changes'.

WebParts - SD Assignments and Queue Info (1)

If you haven't see the following Article/Video I would advise doing so first.

ServiceDesk 7.5 Track Assignments via Process Type Actions

Send Incident to Workflow - Auditing Incident Owner and Service Queue Changes

The idea is to save having to add Process Type Actions and an extra page to open and view, you can have all the information at your disposal on the Process View Page.

The Track Assignments you can use with only adding the below Stored Procedure to your DB but for the Auditing you will need to follow the video to add in the necessary tables via the Web App project.

As you can see in the Track Assignments article there is text file "track_all_assignments.txt" which we need to convert to a Stored Procedure, just add in the SessionID parameter and save as "sp_SD_TrackAssignments" (see attached) [sp_SD_TrackAssignments].

Next we want a couple of SPs for the Audit info:


SELECT [audit_process_info_id],[incident_session_id],[assigned_to_queue_name],[assigned_on_date],CASE 	WHEN [assigned_away_date] = '1753-01-01 00:00:00.000'		THEN			NULL		ELSE			[assigned_away_date]END 	AS [assigned_away_date],CASE 	WHEN [assigned_away_date] = '1753-01-01 00:00:00.000'		THEN			NULL 		ELSE			DATEDIFF(mi, [assigned_on_date], [assigned_away_date]) END 	AS [time_in_queue],[current_assignment]
FROM [audit_process_info]
WHERE [incident_session_id] = @sessionid
ORDER BY[assigned_on_date] DESC


SELECT [owner_audit_info_id],[is_current_owner],[owner_email],[ownership_taken_on],CASE 	WHEN [ownership_relinquished] = '1753-01-01 00:00:00.000'		THEN			NULL		ELSE			[ownership_relinquished]END 	AS [ownership_relinquished],CASE 	WHEN [ownership_relinquished] = '1753-01-01 00:00:00.000'		THEN			NULL 		ELSE			DATEDIFF(mi, [ownership_taken_on], [ownership_relinquished]) END 	AS [ownership_time],[incident_session_id]
FROM [owner_audit_info]
WHERE[incident_session_id] = @sessionid
ORDER BY[ownership_taken_on] DESC

Just update the first line to match the name of your Process Manager Instance and rename from ".txt" to ".sql" and run in your SSMS.

USE [ProcessManager]

Now we need to upload the WebPart

Login to Process Manager

Admin -> Portal -> Plugin Upload

Choose WebPart from the "Plugin Type" and browse for the dll then click Upload.

This can take some time.

It will be saved to "[workflow dir]:\ProcessManager\bin"

You may need an IIS Reset or WF Services restart.

Go to Admin -> Portal -> Web Parts Catalog

Click on the document_add button and then give it a new Category name and search for each and add individually

  • SDIncidentServiceQueueHistory
  • SDTrackAssignmentsWebPart

Now these are available to add to the Process View Page.

Go to the Page in Admin -> Portal -> Manage Pages

Find your page and "Go To Page"

Site Actions | ModifyPage

Site Actions | Edit Page

Site Actions | Add Web Part

Now add the new web parts from the new Category you created and give them titles.

Here are a couple of examples depending on the state of the ticket:

WebParts - SD Assignments and Queue Info

Old Links

How to add a custom web part to a ServiceDesk/Workflow page in ServiceDesk/ Workflow 7.1 SP2 ?

Custom Data Types, Incident Forms, and the Process View Page – Putting them All Together