Whilst recording my tutorials I've needed to change the screen resolution for better uploading to YouTube. I was recording at 1080 but needed it at 720.
I went looking for a way to change this but it was a little convoluted. I stubbled across a PowerShell module called DisplaySettings
- https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/DisplaySettings/0.0.2
- https://github.com/lust4life/display-resolution
It had a simple cmdlet
Set-DisplayResolution -Width 1920 -Height 1080
Set-DisplayResolution -Width 1280 -Height 720
Next was how do I call this from my Stream Deck? I could use the StreamDeck Toolkit but it's likely someone already has a solution.
I found a plugin from @StartAutomating but it was using PS v5. I raised an Issue #120 asking if it were possible to swap to v7. I hadn't seen there were two versions of the plugin.
Windows ScriptDeck