Workflow - Web Form - Timer

Published on Wednesday 10 June 2015

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In this article I will show you how to create a Timer or Countdown in the Forms (Web).png Forms (Web) Project Type

Add a Form Builder component to the Workflow.

Add a Textbox to the Form.

Change the Control ID: “counter”.

Textbox - Functionality (Timer).png

Now edit the Web Form.

Go to the Behaviour tab.

Add timer() to the onload event for the Body.

Form - Behaviour (Timer).png

var count = 30;
var x;
function timer() {
    x = setTimeout("timer()",1000);
    count = count-1;
    document.getElementById("counter").value = count;

Change count to the value you wish to count down from.

This could be done with a Label instead of a textbox.

Add a Label to the Form.

Change the Control ID: “counter2”.

document.getElementById("counter2").innerHTML = count;

You could then use an Auto Exit Page On Timer to close the form or go to the next page or whichever route you need to go.
