Workflow - Tools - Application Editor

Published on Tuesday 23 January 2018

Table Of Contents

Forms 48 Application Editor

Start > Programs > Symantec > Workflow Designer > Tools > Application Editor

[Nothing in the User Guide]

Chapter # (pg#) - User Guide

Symantec Glossary

Application Editor
[No Glossary Item]\_response/glossary/define.jsp

File Location

"[Install Drive]:\Program Files\Symantec\Workflow\Designer\bin\WorkflowAppEditor.exe" 


Workflow Application Editor

Click "Create new application" and give it a name.

It will add it to a new "Applications" folder under the default "WorkflowProjects" folder.

AE CreateNewApplication

Application Mini Application

There are only a few options in Menus.


And three buttons in the Toolbar.

Save | Package Projects | Create Installer

Save  Package Projects Create Installer

There are then a number of tabs.


We will start at the "Settings" tab.

This has a couple of things you can change.


Application name: Application
Company name:

AE Settings


Click on the "Add Project..." and navigate to your Workflow Projects and click add.

You can then view details about the Projects.


AE Projects Integration

Forms (WEB)

AE Projects FormsWeb


Click on "Add Service"

AE Automation

Choose your Service.

AE Automation AddService

There are then a number of items relating to the Service you can add to your Application.

  • Rulesets

AE Automation AddService Rulesets

  • Email Templates

AE Automation AddService EmailTemplates

  • SLA Levels

AE Automation AddService SLALevels

  • SLA Escalations

AE Automation AddService SLAEscalations

  • SLA Milestones

AE Automation AddService SLAMilestones


AE Licensing

Tick "Enable licensing" to allow you to create a License.

AE Licensing EnableLicensing

You will need a "Machine key file".

This is created using the "License Status Manager"

AE Licensing EnableLicensing CreateLicense

This will then be displayed.

AE Licensing EnableLicensing 1


By Default it will show Version 1.0.

There are a number of settings you can fill in.

Version 1.0
Logo [Browse for an image]
Installer instructions [Add any text]
Prompt for App Pool selection
Run SQL script
Run Post-Install Wizard
License [Add any text]

AE Installer 1

The "Installer instructions" creates a file


The License creates a file


AE Installer

These text files can be amended outside of the Application and next time you load it they will show the updated info.

Process View Pages

If you have created any custom Process View Pages you can bundle these into your App.

AE ProcessViewPages 1

Click "Add Process View Page" then select any from the List.

AE ProcessViewPages AddProcessViewPage

These will then display in the grid.

AE ProcessViewPages


Any custom Reports can be added too.

AE Reports

Click "Add Report" and search for your chosen Report(s)

AE Reports AddReport

Package Projects

You can Package any Projects you've added to the Application. This does the same as when you package an individual project.


Chose a location to save to, it defaults to an "output" folder in the Application Project.

AE Package

And as always a prompt if you'd like to open the folder.

AE Package Open

Create Installer

Once you have everything added to your Application you are ready to create your Installer.


Choose a location (defaults to "output")

AE CreateInstaller

This will create it's own file type.



Run the "Application.symwfapp" file.

Installation Instructions will show the text you have chosen.

AE Install

Install Location will default to the WorkflowProjects folder.

AE Install_InstallLocation

You have a chance to review your info before clicking "Install"

AE Install InstallationSummary

[Add Install next steps]
