Re-run this when you create new Resources and
Data Classes in the
This will make them available as DataTypes in your Workflows.
You may wish to backup this file before making any changes. |
[Install Drive]:\Program Files\Symantec\Workflow\WorkflowProjects\Symantec.Components.Generated7.Altiris.Resource
Double click on the Integration Component and click "Adjust Definitions"
1. SMP server
Choose your SMP server, this will be a list from the Workflow Explorer | Credentials | Symantec Management Platform
2. Components
This will loop through all the Resources in your SMP, including custom ones.
There is then a list of Components you could generate.
I usually don't create components and use the generate Create/Update Resouce and map them in.
Back to the Main Menu, click on "Compile and Close".
If you do tick any you can use the Help Editor to add Icons.
[Install Drive]:\Program Files\Symantec\Workflow\Designer\Plugins