Workflow - Component - Developer Guide - Deploy

Published on Wednesday 9 November 2016

In this Article I'm going to explain how to deploy the component to a workflow server.

Table of Contents

In the Simple Component I suggested adding a Post Build event of

xcopy "$(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt)" "\\WORKFLOWSERVER\e$\Program Files\Symantec\Workflow\Shared\customlib\" /Y

Replace WORKFLOWSERVER with the name of the WorkflowWF Server and e$ to your install drive.

Another option, which would be better is to copy the file to another folder on the server then run the following script to copy it to customlib.

If you've ever packaged up a project and ticked include custom libs there is a install.bat that is created along with the project.

Just update the 'LBPath' to the correct drive.

@echo off
if !%1 == ! goto SetDefaultLBPath
set LBPath=%~1
goto CheckLBPath
set LBPath=E:\Program Files\Symantec\Workflow
if not exist "%LBPath%" (
echo The directory "%LBPath%" does not exist!
echo Please provide the directory where LogicBase is installed as parameter 1.
echo Put in quotes if it is a long path.
goto :eof
if not exist "%LBPath%\Designer\bin\LBUtil.exe" (
echo The LogicBase Command Line Utility does not exist by path '%LBPath%\Designer\bin\LBUtil.exe'!
echo Please provide the directory where LogicBase is installed correctly as parameter 1.
echo Put in quotes if it is a long path.
goto :eof
@echo Moving files into platform...
"%LBPath%\Designer\bin\LBUtil.exe" -InstallCustomLibs -warn

Add it to the same folder as your dll and run.

InstallLibsbat output


Moving files into platform...
LogicBase Studio Command Line Utility v Version 7.6.3 build number 4383

Executing general actions.
Installing libraries...
Installing library Protirus.Components.Concat.dll
1 libraries installed.
Press any key to continue . . .

Now the DLL should be in the CustomLib folder as the updated version.

Create a new Project, add the DLL as a Library and add the Component to your flow.
