Using the REST Generator (POST) in Workflow 7.6 with Mobility Suite

Published on Tuesday 1 December 2015

In this Article I will explain how to use POST requests in the REST Generator within Workflow and Mobility Suite.

This will assume knowledge of Workflow and REST APIs and it would be helpful to read through the previous articles.

Previous Articles

This is an example of a POST Request using the Login API of App Center

From the Documentation:

Symantec Mobility Manager 5.4 API Reference Guide

User Authentication
The API also supports converting username/password credentials into a limited-lifetime API key (token) via a login method.
NOTE: API keys created using the login method will not work with the on_behalf_of parameter.
URL: /api1/login
o None
o Description: Login to receive an API key for subsequent requests.
o Encoding: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
o POST parameters:
 username: The Mobility Suite username
 password: The user’s password

• Returns: On success:
• status: the status “okay”
• api-key: the temporary API Key (not URL encoded!)
• expiry: The expiration time as a unit timestamp.

HTTPResponse: 200
  "status": "okay",
  "api-key": "<the api key>",
  "expiry": 1412046458

• Return-type: application/json

• Errors

HTTPResponse: 401
  "status": "error",
  "message": "User name or password not valid",
  "code": 105

HTTPResponse: 403
  "status": "error",
  "message": "User does not have permission",
  "code": 0

Let's build the REST Generator first:


Change the Method to "POST"

Add your further URL "api1/login"

Give it a name - "Login"

Set the 'Request Content' to "Text"

REST Integration Library - 2 Components

Now for the Respone Content choose the Format (JSON)

REST Integration Library - Response Content

You may need to create the Response Content "Manually" instead of "Create From Request", it doesn't handle POSTs too well.

Documentation from the API provider comes in handy, just create a Data Type how you would with the INT components and DBDT or DTs.

Give it a name - LoginResponse

REST Integration Library - 2 Components - Data Tyoes - Edit Type

Then 3 Properties

  • status
  • api-key
  • expiry

REST Integration Library - 2 Components - Data Tyoes - Edit Property

REST Integration Library - 2 Components - Data Tyoes - Edit Property - JSON Options

Back in Workflow

Add a Code (Script) Component Code (Script) Component

Scripted Component Wizard - 1 Input Parameters

Map the values from your process

Scripted Component Wizard - 1 Input Parameters (Edit Parameter Mappings)

Set the output to Text and give it an output of RequestContent

Scripted Component Wizard - 2 Result variable

Choose your Language, I've picked VB.NET this time but you could use C#.

Scripted Component Wizard - 3 Source Code

Dim escapedUsername As String
Dim escapedPassword As String

escapedUsername = Uri.EscapeDataString(username)
escapedPassword = Uri.EscapeDataString(password)

'return "username=" & username & "&password=" & password
return "username=" & escapedUsername & "&password=" & escapedPassword

Run a test to see the output.

Scripted Component Wizard - 4 Test Page

Now add the Login component that you created from the REST Generator.

Pass in your RequestContent

Login Editor.png

Set the StatusCode etc.

Now you can login and get an API key to work with throughout the rest of your Workflow.

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