String with name 'XXX' has already been added - Workflow Integration Library

Published on Wednesday 13 May 2015

So you've created an Int.png Integration Component with SQL Generators etc included.

You add a new Generator to the list, get to the end and after you 'Recompile and close' the following warning shows:

Integration Library - Error (1).png

Open up Workflow.png Symantec Workflow Explorer and go to the Log Viewer tab.

(<Install Drive>:\Program Files\Altiris\Workflow\Logs\logicbase.tool.generator.exe.log)

Application Name : LogicBase.Tool.Generator.exe
Process ID : ##
Log Level :Error
Log Category :LogicBase.Tool.Repository.OperationManager
Machine Name : <SERVERNAME>
Message : 
System.ArgumentException: String with name 'XXX' has already been added
Parameter name: name
   at Symantec.Workflow.HelpEditor.Internal.ResxFile.AddString(String name, String value)
   at Symantec.Workflow.HelpEditor.Internal.FileWriter.WriteToolboxCategories(String baseCategoryPath, IEnumerable`1 categories)
   at Symantec.Workflow.HelpEditor.Internal.FileWriter.WriteToolbox(XmlWriter xml)
   at Symantec.Workflow.HelpEditor.AssemblyWriteFile.ExecuteAsync()
   at Symantec.Workflow.Manager.Common.Operation.BeginExecution()

The Help Editor will still open but you won't have the folder containing the component, like it would usually, given the Component name.

The reason from the Logs show there is an issue with a name that is trying to be created in the Help Editor File.

The component still exists it just won't be in it's own folder.

You will need to manually create this.

Select Components from the Type section and it will show:

Help Editor (1).png

Under Toolbox select the top level folder right-click and Add:

Help Editor (2).png

Give it a Name:

Help Editor - Name.png

Now drag the component from the Components section into this new folder:

Help Editor (3).png

It may appear in the top level folder as well (Test_INT) so just move it from there into the sub-folder.

The fix will be added to the next rollup release for Workflow 7.6.
