I raised an Idea on connect - SMP - ASDK - Web Service - InvalidateTargetMembership asking for a way to programatically update a Target in an efficient way.
There are a number of ways to do this either via SQL or using NScript but none are great.
exec spResourceTargetDeltaUpdate @resourceTargetGuid='target guid goes here', @flush=1
If you search the forums for spResourceTargetDeltaUpdate there are a number of times it's mentioned.
In SMP 8.0 HF4 there were 4 new Web Services added to the Resource Model
URL: http://localhost/altiris/nswebservice/resourcemodel.asmx
- targetGuid (guid)
- fullUpdate (bool)
- updateDependencies (bool)
- targetGuids (string)
- fullUpdate (bool)
- updateDependencies (bool)
- targetGuids (string)
- fullUpdate (bool)
- updateDependencies (bool)
- urgent (bool)
- targetGuid (guids [])
- fullUpdate (bool)
- updateDependencies (bool)
An update was posted on the Idea from @Vladimir
With several months passed since last update here, I can now officially confirm that new ASDK method: ScopingManagementLib.InvalidateTargetMembership(Guid targetGuid, bool invalidateDependencies) added recently and will be available starting 8.1 release.
So take a look at the new method in 8.1
- InvalidateTargetMembership
- targetGuid (Guid )
- invalidateDependencies (bool)