SEP - Scripts

Published on Tuesday 3 September 2019

Following on from an excellent Article 'Handy SQL Queries for SEPM v14' from Tony Sutton I thought it would be useful to create a site to collate all this information in an easy to use format.

This include Syntax Highlighting and a paged list of scripts you can search.

There is also a "Copy" button to quick paste the script into SSMS or your IDE of choice.

Symantec SEP Scripts

As it's hosted on GitHub

Anyone can contribute.

If you have a piece of SQL or a handy script just create a PR or add it to an Issue and I'll add it to the list.

There's a scripts.json file which contains all the meta data about this scripts, this allows the tagging of versions, author and source(s) of the script.

If you know of any other scripts in the forum do comment below and I'll get them add too.
