Get Requested Software By Session ID

Published on Friday 6 October 2017

Component definition

The 'Get Requested Software By Session ID' takes a "SessionId" input and returns a "RequestedSoftwareObject" object.

Class: ServiceDesk.SoftwareRequest.Core.Components.GetRequestedSoftwareBySessionIdComponent
Library: ServiceDesk.SoftwareRequest.Core.dll
Publisher: Symantec Corporation

Component icon


Definition of component input value or values

Table: Input values

Input value name Input value data type Example format
Workflow Tracking Id (Session Id) Unique Identifier 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Exchange Name (Storage) Text local.orm

Definition of component output value or values

Table: Output values

Input value name Input value data type Example format
Requested Software Variable Text RequestedSoftwareObject

Connection information

Using the "local.orm" for Storage.

Component settings

Usual Enabled etc

Use case

Retrieve a Requested Software Item based on the SessionId of the Ticket.

ServiceDesk - Software Request Process - DLLs