
Published on Saturday 20 June 2020

I've finally jumped on the Twitch Streaming bandwagon.

I've been watching a few people for the last year including:

I decided it might be good to start streaming some stuff I work on.

I used to record videos for 599CD a few years back when I had more time on my hands but planning them out. Running through the content then recording and sometimes editing. This could take a while. I was always hoping to do it more often so I'd get better at it and it would take less time with more practice.

Setting up the office properly I started putting a list together of equipment I'd need and the purchasing began.

I took advice from a few of the above and started making a list and sourcing the equipment.

Not being the best time to get stock during a global pandemic, being everyone was buying webcams etc for their own home setup.

Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen


Razer Kiyo

Stream Deck


Then I needed some artwork for scenes etc.

I'm no artist so I took some inspiration for other streamers for layout and positioning of elements and then grabbed some logos from my website

Twitch Scene

Next up was the software.