Statiq - Stats

How to total post counts
Published on Friday 20 December 2024

Previously I'd added a count of posts commit to the Posts page. Adding some styling to the src/input/scss/_overrides.scss to position it on the right hand side and make it a little smaller, I think it looks quite nice.

Who doesn't want a Total count too?! I made a new Stats page just to show the combined total and total for each year.

I might add a graph at some point.

335 posts isn't bad!



Create a new page src\input\stats.cshtml. Update the Order you want.

Title: Stats
IsPage: true
ShowInNavbar: true
Order: 400

<h1 class="bg-dark text-light p-2">Total <span class="postCount">@(Outputs.FromPipeline(nameof(Content))

<hr />

@* Years Count *@
@foreach(IGrouping<int, IDocument> group in Outputs
                                            .GroupBy(x => x.GetDateTime(WebKeys.Published).Year)
                                            .OrderByDescending(x => x.Key))
    <h1 class="bg-dark text-light p-2">@group.Key <span class="postCount">@group.Count()</span></h1>

I originally got the syntax wrong, I put a bracket in the wrong place and couldn't see the wood for the trees. Thankfully I got some help from @girlpunk on Statiq's GitHub Discussions: D#230.