SQLite App

Published on Monday 4 May 2015

So I'm finally writing my Bowling Scores app. I'm using FMDB.

I've also bought the following book: How To Develop iOS Database Apps using SQLite https://leanpub.com/iossqlite

Export to CSV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4656887/how-to-export-sqlite-file-into-csv-file-in-iphone-sdk


[gist 4ac103b5018c9d5fa974 /]


    FMDatabase *db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:[Utility getDatabasePath]];
    [db open];
    FMResultSet *results = [db executeQuery:@"SELECT * FROM tblScores"];
    //CHCSVWriter *csvWriter = [[CHCSVWriter alloc] initForWritingToCSVFile:[NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"demo.csv"]];
    NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
    NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0]; // Get documents folder
    NSString *document = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@/demo.csv", documentsDirectory];
    CHCSVWriter *csvWriter = [[CHCSVWriter alloc] initForWritingToCSVFile:document];

    while([results next]) {
        //NSDictionary *resultRow = [results resultDict];
        NSDictionary *resultRow = [results resultDictionary];
        NSArray *orderedKeys = [[resultRow allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];
        //iterate over the dictionary
        for (NSString *columnName in orderedKeys) {
            id value = [resultRow objectForKey:columnName];
            [csvWriter writeField:value];
        //[csvWriter writeLine];
        [csvWriter finishLine];
    //[csvWriter closeFile];
    [csvWriter closeStream];



I'll add more findings throughout my journey...

Wordpress Original Link