NE Bytes - April 2020

Practical Blazor
Published on Thursday 2 April 2020

A Hologram of Peter Shaw (Shawty) will be with us in early April to talk about building practical Blazor apps in c#.

The session will cover some practical techniques for creating good Blazor applications that show the programming model and recommended way of using Blazor in production apps.

He’ll cover server-side Blazor only, but most of what you will see will apply to Blazor Web Assembly too once that becomes production-ready.

Shawty will demonstrate component build, component communication, layout and JavaScript interop in a practical 90 minutes-ish session using Visual Studio 2019.

📅 April 2nd, 2020 March 18th 2020, 6pm-9pm
📍 Online (Scott Logic, NE1 4AD)