Hainton .NET Newcastle Meetup - Jun 2018

.NET meetup
Published on Tuesday 26 June 2018


📅 Tuesday, June 26, 2018 · 6 - 8pm BST

📍 Campus North, 5 Carliol Square Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6UF

🔗 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/haintondotnet-newcastle-real-world-net-core-now-with-more-21-tickets-45736476031


Hainton DotNet Newcastle: Real-world .NET Core (now with more 2.1!)

Keith Williams leads the development team at Cascade HR (part of the IRIS Software Group) and is currently modernising an app that has been making sure that employees get their appraisals and, more importantly, get paid, since 1992.

Keith has been proudly and successfully running .NET Core apps in production since the heady days of beta4 in 2015, and here he is to share his experience and hard-won knowledge of the field with us.

If you've been paddling in the changeable cross-platform waters yourself, are confused and surprised by the current expanding landscape, or are just wondering what the point of it all is, then this talk is for you.

Keith will shed light on the history of .Net Core, convince you of the benefits of its adoption, and, through a live demo, give you tips on how to successfully develop and deploy it with minimal friction.

The meet-up will be held at Campus North from 6pm to 8pm:

6pm - 6:30pm - Pizzas, Drinks & Networking 6:30pm - 6:35pm - Intro by Waters 6:35pm - 7:30pm - Keith Williams 7:30pm - 8pm - Networking

Thanks to our June sponsors Waters (Nonlinear Dynamics) for the venue hire, drinks and pizzas! (http://www.waters.com).