Goals for 2016 - Review

Published on Monday 2 January 2017

I created a post to motivate me to get things done.


  • 599CD (iPad)

I've nearly completed this, it's currently in the final rounds of testing and I'm happy with how it's come out.


  • 599CD (Apple TV)

Updated to the new TVML xml files instead of JS, its semi-working, I'm thinking of making it a native app instead.

  • 599CD (Android)

Hoping to start it this year, I've got the Dev tools ready on my mac.

  • Sign Language (Apple TV)
  • Carcassonne Score Keeper (iOS/Mac)
  • Bowling Score Keeper (iOS)
  • Wanted to add an Apple Watch

These aren't as much a priority anymore.

  • Movem App

I worked on this a lot and managed to get a majority of it working. All the levels are created and the app works, just needs some polish. I tried porting it to the AppleTV but the controls don't quite work.

Now I need to upgrade it to Swift 3, fun times ahead.

I've been using my time to learn other things. A lot more C# Dev.

I've been enjoying Server Side Swift with a set of videos from Ray Wenderlich.

I've been running through the Swift Apprentice book with the Playgrounds app.

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