Deploy Tech Docs

Published on Monday 30 January 2023

In this article I'll show how to deploy the GOV.UK Tech Docs Template to GitHub Pages.

The Tech Docs Template is a Middleman template that you can use to build technical documentation using a GOV.UK style.

To learn more about the template you can view the Documentation Site (Code)

There's a section in the docs for GitHub Pages which mentions how MoJ achieve this, see publish.yml from their Cloud Platform User Guide, there is also another example publish.yml from hmpps-tech-docs which uses some scripts (bin).

As an alternative I created my own GitHub Action Workflow.


Firstly you need to add some config to your existing project. As GitHub Pages deploys to the repo name links won't work, i.e.

Update the config.rb file with the below settings.


# Project Page Path Issues
# Since project pages deploy to a subdirectory, assets and page paths are relative to the organization or user that owns the repo. If you're treating the project pages as a standalone site, you can tell Middleman to generate relative paths for assets and links with these settings in the build configuration in config.rb
# NOTE This only affects sites being accessed at the URL, not when accessed at a custom CNAME.

activate :relative_assets
set :relative_links, true

Thanks to the Middleman Github Pages project for this.

You can also add a CNAME file with your url https://[USERNAME][REPO_NAME]. This will be copied by the workflow later.


The WF only runs when there has been a change in the source/ folder. You may wish to update this to your own needs. I've also added a workflow_dispatch trigger so you can run this manually.

Next add some write permissions for contents and pages.

Now for the main job which is built up of a number of steps.

First you'll want to checkout (actions/checkout@v2) your code.

Next as this is a Ruby project Setup (ruby/setup-ruby@v1) and choose the correct version.

Next install your bundle. This can just be a simple run script. You can also check that middleman is available.

Next build your website using bundle exec middleman build.

Once this is built you can optionally copy over a CNAME.

Next deploy your project to GitHub Pages using another action peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3.9.2. If you are outputting your build to a different folder make sure to update this publish_dir: build.

Finally in your Repo settings configure GHP.

Yaml file for reference:

name: Deploy

    branches: [main]
      - "source/**"

# Sets permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN to allow deployment to GitHub Pages
  contents: write
  pages: write
  id-token: write

    name: Build & Deploy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Set up 💎 Ruby 3.2.0
        uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
          ruby-version: 3.2.0
      #           bundler-cache: true

      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: |
          echo 'Installing bundles...'
          gem install bundler
          bundle install
          bundle list | grep "middleman ("

      - name: Build
        run: bundle exec middleman build

      - name: Copy CNAME
        run: |
          echo "Copying cname across too"
          cp -a CNAME build

      - name: Deploy
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3.9.2
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          publish_dir: build


I found an issue with the GHA which was referencing master not main.