Archery Scores

Archery Score Keeper
Published on Tuesday 29 October 2024

Since returning to archery I thought it might be a good idea to keep a track of my scores.

I'd already bought a book to write them in whilst at the venue but shouldn't there be a digital version as well?

I went about building one. I've kept it in legacy AngularJS just because it's so easy to work with and my other sites use that too.

I've made initial tabs including Summary, Scores, a Score Creator, a Target, info about the Club and my Equipment. I'll be looking to add Graphs and some other stats once I've got more weeks added to the data set.

Scores (Alt)

The Score Creator is much like the one from my Bowling and it lets me quickly type in my scores and output a json object I can then add to the repo.

I found a useful CodePen from @GGalizzi which lets you select a point on the target and it will tell you your score. I'm still working on integrating that into the site.

Archery Target

My club uses Golden Records Online which I'm adding my scores as well. They have an API, so let's add another App to my projects graveyard.