Hello, I'm Alex. I develop Apps.



Apps to make your life easier - Desktop, Website, Mac.

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Blazor Interactive

Blazor Interative

Blazor C# Interactive (Try .NET)

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Blashing (WIP)

Build a beautiful dashboard. (A port/rewrite of Dashing / Smashing in Blazor)

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A collection of iOS I've developed.

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A collection of tvOS I've developed.

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A collection of macOS I've developed..

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Other Stuff

Other Stuff

My Bio

My Bio

I'm Alex Hedley, a computer programmer from the UK.



I first came to 599CD.com in about 2011 for an Access course after finding a few helpful videos on YouTube.

After helping out on the forums for a while I was offered Tech Help and thoroughly enjoyed the various opportunities that have come up, no request is ever the same.

I've been a registered iOS Developer for a number of years and made the 599CD app. This will be updated soon (when I find the time).

See my Courses

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