Xamarin CommunityToolkit

Published on Friday, 10 July 2020

The Xamarin CommunityToolkit is a reboot of an old set of helpful additions to Xamarin for example

  • Behaviors
  • Controls
  • Converters
  • Effects
  • Extensions

I'd raised an Issue #121 to suggest using DocFX to build the docs within the repo and started on a PR !135 with some of the structure laid out.

A comment was made saying MS Docs would be making a repo and to hold off for a little bit.

Checking back a few weeks later I found the Xamarin Community Toolkit Documentation repo had been made.

I made a start on porting over some of the work and opened PR !4.

I received some really helpful comments from David Britch, as I'd copied some of the base files from Xamarin.Essentials and not checked they matched the Contributing Guidelines

It's just a start to get the shell of the structure there, to make it easier for others to get to the meat of the work but every little bit helps.

I'm hoping to start on the list above soon, the easier it is to get people started with the Toolkit, hopefully the more contributions will be made towards growing the functionality.

Original info about the Toolkit.

