Using iTMSTransporter to upload Game Centre Achievements

Published on Saturday, 9 April 2016

I'm currently creating a game Movem, and I wanted to add some Game Center achievements. I'd done this before in another app I'm making for Kernowland Quizzes (still in development). There are only a couple of achievements there so wasn't much hassle to create them manually but here I want 1 for each of the 50 levels. This would be a big pain to do.

[gallery ids="525,524,526" type="rectangular"]

So I turned to twitter and asked @KrauseFx as I thought he might know.

Researching a little I found the app should be in either Xcode or App Transporter. Some SO answers said it was under the MacOS folder but I found it to be now just under itms in the Contents folder.

/Applications/ bin => /Applications/

Now to find some information about the app itself, lets look to iTunesConnect Resources and Help under Apps.

Open the terminal and navigate to the above folder:

./iTMSTransporter -m diagnostic

Next we want to download the information we have on an app so we can use the lookupMetadata flag.

./iTMSTransporter -m lookupMetadata -u # -p # -apple_id # -subitemtype GameCenterAchievement -destination "#"

Replace the #s with your actual inputs.

This will download a file "AppleID.itmsp", if you double click this it will open in Application Loader, you don't want this, instead Right+Click and Show Package Contents:

Show Package Contents.png

There's a file called "metadata.xml", open this in your editor of choice, Xcode works fine since it's just XML.

I'm interested in the Game Center info so scroll down:


Within here are a couple of achievements I've already created, from research errors can occur if you remove these and re-upload so either leave them in and only make additions to the file or remove them from iTunesConnect and run lookupMetadata again.

I needed at least one already created so I had a template to work with.

I created a playground as this would be the quickest way to create what I needed

for i in 1...50 {
    print(blah \\(i))

Now I just needed to replace the number with \(i) in all the places necessary and show the console.

[gist 06bab62bee6402d97f3eb3c5cf6db9d4/]


for i in 1...50 {
    print("<achievement position=\"\(i)\">")
    print("   <achievement_id>grp.alexhedley.movem.levels.\(i)</achievement_id>")
    print("   <reference_name>Level \(i)</reference_name>")
    print("   <points>20</points>")
    print("   <hidden>false</hidden>")
    print("   <locales>")
    print("       <locale name=\"en-US\">")
    print("           <title>Level \(i)</title>")
    print("           <before_earned_description>Complete Level \(i)</before_earned_description>")
    print("           <after_earned_description>Level \(i) Completed</after_earned_description>")
    print("           <achievement_after_earned_image>")
    print("               <size>373711</size>")
    print("               <file_name>Game_20Center_20Level.png</file_name>")
    print("               <checksum type=\"md5\">b2a849caa092e5bee3e117e67f54fd35</checksum>")
    print("           </achievement_after_earned_image>")
    print("       </locale>")
    print("   </locales>")

Copy and paste that back into the "metadata.xml" and I'm ready to upload.

First thing to do is verify the file.

./iTMSTransporter -m verify -f "#/\[AppleId\].itmsp" -u # -p #

Now I can upload.

./iTMSTransporter -m upload -f "#/\[AppleId\].itmsp" -u # -p #

There was one thing that was missing, the image file:

ERROR: The file Game_20Center_20Level.png is from the list of files requested by Apple, but it was not found locally.

To fix this I just renamed the file I'd uploaded in iTunesConnect to match the above and added it to the PackageContents folder and all was good.

I'd originally tried the "lookupMetadata" without the -subitemtype flag but got an error when trying to upload,

ERROR ITMS-10001: "Multiple items in this package use the same vendor ID. Use unique vendor IDs for the items [leaderboard, achievement] and resubmit the package." at Software/SoftwareMetadata


DBG-X: The error code is: 1102

Learn more about Game Center in Chapters 25 and 26 of 2D iOS & tvOS Games by Tutorials from Ray Wenderlich.


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